Broadside ballads > Overview of the digitised collections

Wouters Collections (part of the Royal Library). Broadsides from the seventeenth through the twentieth century. Royal Library. 3861 sources.

Wouters Collection (part of the Meertens Institute). Broadsides from the seventeenth through the twentieth century. Meertens Institute. 703 sources.

Meertens Collection. Broadsides from the seventeenth through the twentieth century. Royal Library. 1107 sources.

Gijsbers Collection. Broadsides, mostly from the nineteenth century. Meertens Institute. 160 sources.

Karremans Collection. Broadsides, partially from Rotterdam and mostly from the twentieth century. Meertens Institute. 102 sources.

Collection KB 11 A 47: broadsides printed by Van Paemel from Gent at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Royal Library. 51 sources.

Spaaij Collection. Broadsides, mostly from the twentieth century. Meertens Institute. 49 sources.

Collection KB 1700 D 1: broadsides from the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Royal Library. 45 sources.

Boontjes Collection. Broadsides, partially from Groningen and predominantly from the twentieth century. 43 sources.

Mol Collection. Broadsides from the Second World War. Meertens Institute. 21 sources.

These collections are further enhanced by two eighteenth-century songbooks with broadside ballads:


Two rare music sources from the nineteenth century were added to this:

Some older broadsides from the collection of leaflets from the Royal Library were used for the illustrations.

Examples from this collection Broadside ballads

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