Atlases from the Maritime Museum > Colophon

Project management:
Barend Verheyen, TWV-Media.

Map descriptions:
W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns, Netherlands Maritime Museum.
G.J.D. Wildeman, Netherlands Maritime Museum.

With thanks to:
Stichting Onderzoeksproject Van Keulen Cartografie
Uitgeverij H&S, De Graaf , ’t Goy-Houten
for granting permission tot use their data for the map descriptions

W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns, Netherlands Maritime Museum.
G.J.D. Wildeman, Netherlands Maritime Museum.

Marianne Peereboom

With thanks to:
Lucas Veeger, Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum.
Wim de Natris, Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum.

Examples from this collection Atlases from the Maritime Museum

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