Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage > Theo van Doesburg

Th. van Doesburg, The card players, 1916-1917A selection of more than 2000 works shows the diversity of artist Theo van Doesburg's work. The collection includes sketches, drawings, paintings, (self-)portraits, architectural designs, designs for stained-glass windows, graphic designs and interior decoration designs.

Theo van Doesburg (1883-1931) is one of the most important Dutch artists of the first half of the twentieth century. Van Doesburg was a man of many talents. His activities included, among other things, writing, poetry, painting, architecture, typography, (art) theory, photography, Dadaism and teaching.

After his premature death in March 1931, his widow Nelly van Doesburg-Van Moorsel (1899-1975) stored all his material carefully in the house that Van Doesburg had designed in Meudon, France. She continued to campaign for the recognition of Van Doesburg's work. In 1981, her niece and heiress Wies van Moorsel donated the works, the archive, the library and the house to the Dutch State.

Examples from this collection Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage

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