Modern manuscripts from the National Library of the Netherlands > Five men of letters

Portrait of Jacques Perk (1878) | Portrait of Jan Engelman by Charley Toorop (1936) | Portrait of Hendrik Marsman | Portrait of Rene Radermacher Schorer | Portrait of Herman Gorter
Click on the names below to find out more about the literator and the corresponding manuscript(s).

Jacques Perk:

Herman Gorter:
In den zwarten nacht

Jan Engelman:
Vera Janacopoulos, Sine Nomine

Hendrik Marsman:
Holland, De dood van Angèle Degroux (2x), Vera

Mathieu René Radermacher Schorer:
Album amicorum, Gastenboeken (6x)

Examples from this collection Modern manuscripts from the National Library of the Netherlands

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