Modern manuscripts from the National Library of the Netherlands > Rene Radermacher Schorer

Hendrik Marsman, Charley Toorop and Henriëtte Roland Holst are only a few of the many famous guests welcomed regularly at the Utrecht home of René Radermacher Schorer (1888-1956), who was both a bibliophile and an art lover. Together, the beautifully bound guest books Schorer kept between 1928 and 1956 and the Album Amicorum he was presented with on his sixtieth birthday, demonstrate quite clearly that he maintained lively cultural contacts with a great number of major Dutch artists.

Next to an imposing library (for the greater part now in the care of the Museum Meermanno), Radermacher Schorer also built a nice collection of literary manuscripts. The poems of Jan Engelman that were selected for the present project are part of that collection. Hendrik Marsman is also well represented in the collection.

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Examples from this collection Modern manuscripts from the National Library of the Netherlands

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