Broadside ballads > Maarten van Roozendaal

 Maarten van RoozendaalThe Amsterdam-based singer Maarten van Roozendaal (1962-2013) began his career as a singer, drummer and keyboard player in various pop bands. He changed his focus to the theatre in the 1990s with great success.

He won the Amsterdam Festival of Musical Theatre and Cabaret in 1994, and his debut CD 'Nacht' ('Night') appeared a year later. His tour, with melancholy songs full of heartbreak, drunkenness and tragedy, was wildly successful throughout the country. He was awarded a Silver Harp award in 1998 for his second CD 'Adem Uit' ('Breathe Out'), and his song 'Red mij niet' ('Don't save me') won the Annie M.G. Schmidt award two years later for best theatrical song of the year

He has produced several theatre shows together with Egon Kracht, who accompanies him on double bass. Their fifth show 'Tijdelijk tekort aan chronish geluk' ('Temporary lack of lasting happiness') premiered in 2002, its nationwide theatre tour continuing in 2003.

Songs in the Top 30:
Aan de oever van een snelle vliet - By the banks of a rapid brook
Overschotje - Leftovers

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