Broadside ballads > Joost Prinsen

Joost Prinsen during the recordingsJoost Prinsen (Vught 1942) grew up in Den Bosch. After high school, he continued his education at the School of Acting in Amsterdam. He developed into a versatile actor in the theatre, in musicals, in films and on television (including 'De Stratemaker-op-zee-show', 'J.J. de Bom' and 'Het Klokhuis'). In recent years, he is also known as the host of game show 'Met het mes op tafel' and his own talk show 'Maandag Prinsjesdag'.

Prinsen has been a perennial teacher of singing at the Amsterdam School of Acting, Musical Theatre and Cabaret, but as for himself: he remains - in the words of Vic van de Reijt - 'the most underappreciated singer in the Netherlands'. A box set of three CD's, titled 'Een kop die je zelf niet bevalt' ('A face you don't like yourself'), appeared in 2003 featuring nearly all songs that Joost Prinsen has sung.

Songs in the Top 30:
Al is ons prinsje nog zo klein - Although our little prince is so little
Henri's drinklied - Henri's drinking song

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