Broadside ballads > Douwe Wouters

 Douwe WoutersDouwe Wouters (1876-1955) was born on 4 August 1876 in Bolsward. He was first a schoolteacher and then a principal, and he was an important figure in the improvement of reading education in primary schools.

Following his disablement pension, he took up residence in Zeist, where he was intensely involved with folk songs and broadside ballads. He compiled two anthologies of broadside ballads in collaboration with Dr. J. Moormann. He also published eight volumes of 'songs, romances and ballads of love, murder, spirituality, humour, satire, sentiment, sailors and fishermen' under the title Liederen uit de oude doos ('Songs of yesteryear'). On top of this, he also wrote an overwhelming number of articles on the subject of these songs.

Because of his wartime activities as a member of the Dutch National Socialist party, Wouters was prohibited from publishing his work after the Second World War. His collection, which he had already offered to P.J. Meertens (the Folklore Committee) en the Royal Library in 1944, was purchased by the latter institution after the war. Wouters died on 8 April 1955.

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