Broadside ballads > Digitisation of the broadsides
In order to make the 15,000 songs from the Wouters/Moormann collection available through the website The Memory, all the broadsides were digitised by Strata Preservation b.v.
Scans were first made of the entire broadsides, after which the individual songs on the sheet were cropped from the large frame. This way, both the broadsides and the individual songs could be made available through the website.
The creation of descriptions of the broadsides in the collections had been started years ago at the Meertens Institute in Amsterdam. These descriptions were included in De Nederlandse liederenbank (The Dutch song bank), a databank of Dutch songs from the Middle Ages through the twentieth century. As a part of this project, contributors entered descriptions of the individual songs into the database. These descriptions were eventually linked to the corresponding scans.