Broadside ballads > De Lullo-s

De Lullos during the recordings

Hearties Kamphuis, Van Binsbergen and Kerstens, aka 'De Lullo's', have been hugely popular from the 1990s onward, especially with their fellow hearties in Leiden, Delft and Amsterdam. Played by Michiel Romeijn, Herman Koch and Kees Prins, 'De Lullo's' originated in the absurdist comedy programme Jiskefet, which has been broadcast by the VPRO since 1992.

Their single HJ Lullo/Peter even reached the top spot in the Dutch Top 40! They have performed the historic student song Io Vivat especially for this website - a song the true Dutch hearty would still know by heart.

Songs in the Top 30:
Io Vivat

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