Youth magazines 1883 until 1950 > Acknowledgements
The Metamorfoze project for microfilming 33 youth magazines was completed at the end of 2003. It was carried out by the Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (Amsterdam Public Library) in close cooperation with the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Royal Library) in The Hague and the Gemeentebibliotheek Rotterdam (Rotterdam Municipal Library). The collections of these three libraries were the primary source for completing these volumes.
In view of their efforts on behalf of the original preservation project, mention must also be made of the following three institutes, which played an important role in completing the volumes of the nine magazines:
- Amsterdam University Library (De Joodsche jeugdkrant: Betsalel)
- Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (De stormmeeuw)
- Library of the Amsterdam VU University (Kampvuur)
Many magazines have been bound and are preserved in book form. As a result, their tables of contents and front pages are often missing and, therefore, it is not always clear where a new issue begins. Moreover, the magazines did not always appear at regular intervals. Nevertheless, every effort has been made to render the magazines in the best possible logical order and in small units, allowing viewers to understand where an issue begins.