Come and see! Puppetry in pictures. > Puppet theatre

Poster. Illustration: Peter Vos, 1974There are many different types of puppet theatres and most of the time they are portable. The type used for hand puppets is generally a more than man sized casing made of cardboard, cloth or wood. Inside, the puppet player remains invisible for the audience. Often standing up, he or she moves the puppets in front of an opening left in the upper part of the front. Other types of theatre do not have an opening in front; the puppets emerge from the open roof. Width and depth of the theatre depend on the number of puppet players. Some puppet theatres (the so called table theatres) are low and the player moves the puppets while sitting down. The performance having ended, the opening in the puppet theatre can be closed by drawing little curtains.

Examples from this collection Come and see! Puppetry in pictures.

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