Wie van deze twee is de ware...
- Showpiece
In this poster by NSB designer Lou Manche, that has also been reprinted frequently in the post-war years, a burly SS-officer is compared to a so-called "Sorry-dummy" who refuses to contribute to the life-and-death battle against bolshevism. The 'weakling' has a sawed-out ten-cent coin bearing the portrait of the exiled Queen Wilhelmina on his lapel, and a match stuck head-up in his buttonhole, in reference to the Dutch nationalist phrase "Oranje boven" ("Orange on top").
The Propaganda Council of the Department of Information and Arts had responded negatively to this poster during a meeting on 9 March 1943, although the following comment was made: "This poster is generally perceived as very unappealing, although it has surprisingly proven to attract far more attention than expected."
- Creator
- opdrachtgever: Vrijwilligers Legioen Nederland
- ontwerper: Lou Manche
- Date of creation
- 1943
- Description
- Wie van deze twee is de ware Nederlander? Vrijwilligerslegioen.
- Object type
- posters
- Dimensions
- Collection
- War posters 1940-1945
- Institution
- Source
- AF/00704 (Affiche, Lithografie), Oorlogsaffiches NIOD 1933 - 1946, NIOD/KB
- Copyright
- for information contact Koninklijke Bibliotheek/Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
- Keyword
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