LINGAE OBSIDIO Contecta ab Ill.m Principe MAVRITIO Nassovio, etc. Armis ordd. Belgicae Foederatae Ao 1597.
- Creator
- uitgever: [Joan Blaeu]
- Date of creation
- 1649
- Place of creation
- Description
- This maps depicts siege of the German town Lingen at the Rhine by a Dutch army led by Prince Maurits. The fortress is surrounded by army troops and siege machines. The map was included in the first volume of Joan Blaeus (1698-1673) Town Books of the Netherlands which was dedicated to the Northern Netherlands.
- Annotation
- Object type
- maps (documents)
- Collection
- Atlases
- Institution
- Source
- C9E10 125_25M (kopergravure, kaart ), Atlas Beudeker, British Library, Londen
- Copyright
- for information contact: British Library, London
- Keyword
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