Moeder, is dàt nu het tweede Front,...
- Showpiece
Second front
Numerous rumours circulated in the summer of 1942 that a major force of English and American troops was ready to land on the shores of Western Europe. This so-called Second Front was thought to mean the irrevocable end of the Third Reich.
Illegal magazines like Vrij Nederland and Het Parool were convinced it was only a matter of time. They published elaborate instructions on how to support the allied troops during an invasion. This fast liberation did not occur, but people looked forward to this Second Front throughout the course of the war. National-socialist propaganda reacted to this by impressing upon the civilian population that an allied invasion would result in incalculable suffering among ordinary citizens.
- Date of creation
- 1940
- Description
- Moeder, is dàt nu het tweede Front, waarover pappie zoo vaak gesproken heeft?
- Object type
- posters
- Dimensions
- Collection
- War posters 1940-1945
- Institution
- Source
- AG/00272 (Affiche, Lithografie), Oorlogsaffiches NIOD 1933 - 1946, NIOD/KB
- Copyright
- for information contact Koninklijke Bibliotheek/Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
- Keyword
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