Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I find more information about The Memory?
    At the top right-hand corner of your screen there is a menu option. Further information can be found here.
  • Am I allowed to use an image from The Memory on Facebook, for an exhibition, in print or for something else?
    Copyright applies to many of the images in The Memory. If you wish to reproduce an image from The Memory you must acquire prior permission from the right holder. This is usually the original maker of the object. Infringement of copyright law may be prosecutable. See also the page Copyright. In case of doubt or if you have a question, please contact the institution, which has the original object in its collection, or The Memory
  • How can I download an image from The Memory?
    You can download the images of objects in various formats. You have to use the icon with the arrow in the upper right hand corner. To order an image in a larger resolution you can contact the institution that owns the original. You will find the information and a link to contact information in the right hand column next to the image under the header 'source' and/or 'copyright'. In The Memory you can only download one image at a time in jpg-format.
  • Can my collections or images also be added to The Memory?
    No, in the coming period it will not be possible to place new images or collections on The Memory. This is because the programme has officially ended and there are no resources or people available to realise this.
  • The information accompanying an image on The Memory is incorrect. Can this be amended?
    You may make note of incorrect information using the contact form.
  • What is a showpiece?
    A showpiece is recognizable by the little crown on the right-hand side of your screen. All participating institutions have selected several special objects from their collection and have designated them as a showpiece. The images shown on the homepage of The Memory are a selection of these showpieces.