Moluccan history and culture in pictures > The photo archive

J.A. Manusama and A.F. Pasanea during a Woudschoten conference, 1962The photo archive makes up an important and dynamic part of the Moluccan Historical Museum. The acquisition of photo material from private owners was already started during the preparatory phase. Then the collection was expanded further through the acquisition of the archives of several Moluccan leaders, including J.A. Manusama and A.F. Pasanea of the foundation 'Door de Eeuwen Trouw' (Loyal through the Ages), and the 'Inspraakorgaan Welzijn Molukkers' (The Moluccan Advisory Council').

Besides, the collection is regularly expanded with material collected for changing exhibitions and publications. In order to establish a portrait of life in the ward in the 1990s, the MHM commissioned the Moluccan photographer Otto Tatipikalawan to take a series of photographs in all the Moluccan wards entitled 'Life in the ward'. Furthermore, MHM photographer Ed Zwarteveen made several photo documentaries over the course of time involving activities of the Moluccan community in the museum and in the country.

Emotional value | The creation of the photo archive

Examples from this collection Moluccan history and culture in pictures

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