Seven centuries of Zuiderzee history

A collection of the Zuiderzeemuseum

 Botter on the ZuiderzeeFor centuries, the Zuiderzee determined life in the surrounding regions. Villages flourished thanks to fishing, shipbuilding and whaling and developed their own specific cultures. On the other hand, until the Afsluitdijk (IJsselmeer Dam) was built the Zuiderzee was also a permanent threat. During storms fishing boats were wrecked and sometimes large areas of land were flooded.

Seven centuries of Zuiderzee history are illustrated here in eight different themes. The images vary from traditional costumes from the island of Marken to a hand-painted sledge and maritime maps.

The collection comprises the permanent displays of the indoor museum of the Zuiderzeemuseum in Enkhuizen. These displays also include objects originating from other museums.

Examples from this collection Seven centuries of Zuiderzee history

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