Geen steun aan de Duitsche oorlogsvoering: geen inlevering van metalen voorwerpen
- Showpiece
On behalf of their war industry, the Germans requisitioned many goods and products in the countries they occupied. The Netherlands too was thoroughly ransacked. The occupier imposed scores of demands on the Dutch authorities and, moreover, made them responsible for meeting these demands. Whoever handed over goods, received financial remuneration from the Dutch or German authorities. However, money was of little use in those times of scarcity. Therefore, these requisitions were seen as outright robbery.
With the arms industry in mind, the Germans were specially interested in metal objects, ranging from milk cans to full factory inventories. In the summer of 1941, for instance, the Germans mounted a large-scale campaign to collect metal objects from the population. Inspired by these and similar pamphlets from the resistance, the population handed very little in.
- Date of creation
- 1941
- Period
- Annotation
- Dimensions
- Collection
- Illegal Pamphlets and Brochures
- Institution
- Source
- IP30.1 / MIP073 (illegaal pamflet, gedrukt), Illegale pamfletten en brochures, Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
- Copyright
- for information contact Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
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