De sonnetten van Lovïze Labé naast den oorspronkelijken tekst (Louise Labé’s sonnets next to the original text). Maastricht, Trajectum ad Mosam [A.A.M. Stols], [April] 1924. IV, 52, 10) p 14.5 x 23cm.
This book, of which 215 copies were printed, is a clear example of Boutens’ love of books. The copy on view is copy A; it is printed on Japanese paper and bears the statement ‘this copy was printed for the author’ (the final two words in red). The binding is made of red morocco leather with beautifully marbled pastedowns and flyleaves.
The remaining copies were printed on hand-made paper from the well-known paper mill of Van Gelder. Eleven of these copies (marked B-M) were printed for the author and thirteen (marked a-n) are review copies. The publishing house kept fifteen copies (numbered I-XV) and the balance of 175 copies (numbered 1-175) were for sale.
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